Nämen hallå i stugan. Tänkte leka lite mainstream (herregud vad ska midgård tänka om mig nu?!?!!) och köra en årskrönika ;) Detta är första halvan av mitt 2012. Tänka sig, jorden gick inte under after all!
(And just for you jam, i'll right it in english)

(And just for you jam, i'll right it in english)

Spent new years eve in Sydney. Was pretty mad.

Was a pirate at the Winmalee high school swimming carnvial.

Spent most of the arvos at the waterholes, here we are at Paradise, all scared of that ball which is like 10 metres away. Nice girls!

April/May I spent travelling around half of Australia. Definately the best trip I've ever been on.

Made biology and maths class funny instead of boring. Probably made Zac and Alex get an F as well...

Got home to Suecia. Had to pinch myself and Lovisa to believe that we actually were together again, she couldn't stop looking at me like i was some sort of painting haha <3.

Got home to Sydney and... yeah don't even know what happened to my humour. (still funny though haha)

Made biology and maths class funny instead of boring. Probably made Zac and Alex get an F as well...

Went to a mad party in June

My last day at school and my design class had made a surprise- goodbye party for me with typical aussie things, and got a cute letter with one of my pretty nicknames on it...
Caitlin hosted my farewell party in cold July
The last dance with my two babes, Caitlin and JaimeJam.
And then...
... the day of leaving arrived. Never cried as much in my life. Didn't get better when they stopped me in the tull saying i was illegally in the country, didn't end up on border security though :((((( It all ended good, cried even more and they let me through to the flight to Bangkok-Sweden.

My last day at school and my design class had made a surprise- goodbye party for me with typical aussie things, and got a cute letter with one of my pretty nicknames on it...

And then...

Got home to Suecia. Had to pinch myself and Lovisa to believe that we actually were together again, she couldn't stop looking at me like i was some sort of painting haha <3.

Opened the door to, what i thought was Lovisa's empty house, but there stood about 30 friends i hadn't seen in a year. That was the weirdest feeling i've ever had. Without thinking at all, I justshut the door, trying to put all the pieces togehter in my head(guess July was the month of mixed emotions haha) Finally, Lovisa got me to calm down, open the door again, and have the best night.